The Roaring Twenties: Life In The 1920's

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World War I had ended in 1918. It lasted for 4 years and has been a distant memory. It brought a dramatic change in people’s lives in the United States. Over twenty-two billion dollars were lost due to financing the war. The United States raised the money through income taxes and by special taxes on liquor, tobacco, and theater tickets. Millions of men left their jobs to serve at war however many had died. As the war ended a new era had arrived. This new era was called the Roaring Twenties. The Roaring Twenties lasted from 1919 to 1929. This new era was characterized as a period of American prosperity and optimism. It was all about moving forward and replacing what was lost after World War I. The United Sates entered this era with the election of 1920. Warren G. Harding won this election. This era was full of great advance as the nation became urban and commercial. Invention and technology developed more since World War I during this era which shaped people’s lives. An invention like the automobile was brought in during this era. The Roaring Twenties was also called…show more content…
Many writers included Countee Cullen, W.E.B. Du Bois, Langston Hughes, Zora Neale Hurston, James Weldon Johnson, Claude McKay, and Jean Tommer.These. The movement began in New York. African Americans influenced many people to have hope and sprite. Harlem was a place for African Americans to have a new life and have happiness. That is why it was called the Harlem Renaissance. It was a cultural explosion where African Americans gained national recognition. The period was so influential, that it ended up influencing the Civil Rights Movement 30 years later. It was also called the New Negro Movement because it had long-lasting, positive effects on the social, intellectual and economic standing of African Americans. It brought to a new level of equality for the African
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