The Romb Book Report

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Your book, ROOM, has changed my view of the world. The topic of kidnapping is one most people would not want to delve into due to the distressing connotation the words “rape” and “abduction” present. Though uncomfortable to discuss, the reality of the situation is that these events do, in fact, happen everywhere and so a lot can be learned from your book. In addition to the theme of the book being relevant, another concept cannot be overlooked. A child’s innocence was taken advantage of by a selfish individual and it made also made me consider the impact of a person on other people around them. When I first started reading this book, I could not help but compare this story to ones in real life just like it. Missing children are plastered…show more content…
When we learn as readers that Jack does not know anything about the outside world, or that there even is a world outside of “room” it makes the reader realize how by this act of abduction, the future of a young child was put on hold because he was being sheltered from a far worse truth about his existence. He is a child who should be experiencing the world, yet he is stuck in a room. The only form of relief I got from this was that Ma chose to keep Jack away from Old Nick at all costs. Jacks innocence is preserved until he finds out the truth about room, in which you chose to make him part of the getaway plan, a quick transition from a naive child to a 5 year-old who has experienced more than his peers. Jack is never the same after his realization and transition and I assume it is that way with most children who get to go home after they get away from their abductors. The traumatic incident accelerated the growing up process, so how could Jack ever be the same? The feelings you make us experience for Ma and Jack after they escape are so painful and make me feel empathetic towards those who actually are in that…show more content…
The topic of abduction, though covered in the news extensively, does not reach the level of analysis you took in your novel. Through the writing of Jack the reader experiences another layer of depth to the book overall and is provided a new perspective when looking at the situation of this abduction. The world is full of people of Old Nick who take advantage of trusting children with innocence to lose. Jack knows nothing of the outside world and when he does experience it for the first time, it is marred by the reality of the situation he just escaped. In your book you talk about both of these problems and the impact it has on the characters. By bringing down the issue to a level that a high schooler can read, more people can become educated and learn without confronting the cut and dry news stories about the same situation. More people should read this book and become educated on these events. Because they happen on a daily basis, more people can be aware of the situations occurring around them and these abductions can be stopped. Your book has made me realize the horrific events that take place can happen anywhere and for that I have a new outlook on the
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