The Secret Life Of Bees Character Analysis Essay

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In The Secret Life of Bees Sue Monk Kidd conveys the message that Lily learns to admire the little things in life and the people around her. With the loss of a mother at a young age a person’s life can significantly change, not always for the worst but also for the better. It can change the way someone thinks, handles problems, and control their emotions. This is the case with Lily Owens which loses her mother in a dreadful accident when she was only four years old. During her life journey she discovers many women to aid her and help her find herself. With the effect of Rosaleen, Black Mary, and The Boatwright sisters Lily is able to withstand all the changes that she has to undergo. With these special people behind her, all she needs now is to believe. Rosaleen shows Lily her love and support toward her thoughts and actions. Rosaleen treats Lily as if Lily was her own daughter, loving and taking care of her. Rosaleen is always able to tell how Lily is feeling. When it was Lily’s birthday, and Rosaleen saw that T. Ray did not get her anything, Rosaleen went and got Lily something out of kindness and love. Rosaleen understands Lily and knows when she is in pain or is sad, just like how a mother can. When on the run from her father Rosaleen is quiet and observes that Lily is upset. Like a true mother, Rosaleen understands…show more content…
The effects of Rosaleen, the Black Mary, and The Boatwright Sisters assisted Lily in achieving what she thought she could never accomplish. Even with the loss of her mother at a young age, she still was able to live a wonderful life. In The Secret Life of Bees Lily was lucky to find women like this, women who were willing to welcome a stranger into their home. Even with the loss of a mother at a young age, Sue Monk Kidd is able to portray her main character of Lily Owens as still being able to live a life most people dream
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