The Step Not Taken (Epipahny)

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The Step Not Taken by Paul D’Angelo is a short piece of literature which takes the reader through a journey of regret, guilt and personal reflection. The author reminisces on a particular event in which he faces two choices: to ask a question, or to walk away. The numerous compounds to be examined in this story will eventually lead us to the major lesson the author has to share through his epiphany. The following paragraphs will explore different stages of realization as the protagonist goes through separation, and continues onto initiation, then finally reintegrates back into his everyday life. As the elevator door closes, the protagonist is completely unaware of the array of mixed emotions he was about to encounter. “The doors of the elevator closed and we began to ascend.” The closing of the elevator doors is a symbol for the protagonist’s separation from society. After he states his initial encounter with what seems to be a perfectly normal stranger, suddenly he is startled. “Then it happened. A sudden strained gasp. Turning toward the noise, I was astonished to see the young man drop his briefcase and burst into tears.” This quote introduces the protagonist to his challenge; he is being initiated into the main event of the story which he must internalize, then proceed with an action. The unexpected shock of seeing the stranger cry, and being the only other person in the elevator is the start of this journey. Being confused and unaware of what to do, the protagonist opts to do nothing and thus leading him to his deep-rooted feelings of regret and guilt. “The elevator stopped on the 10th floor and, without looking back, I stepped out. I stood in the hallway, a bundle of mixed emotions, wondering what to do.” As he reintegrates into his domain, he starts to realize the mistake he has made. He is no longer standing alongside the stranger and begins to
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