The Welfare State

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THE WELFARE STATE Introduction: "Today we would like to talk about.." The welfare state is a form of state which is based on the principles of social equality and universal suffrage. Its main purpose is to guarantee the best balance between the social classes, this implies the reallocation of richness in an equal way, and not only in order to the market’s logics. The welfare state is characterized by: Public enterprises Public instruction Social and economic assistance Credits and financing granted All this services heap on the public accounts, in fact they require many financial resources, which come from taxes. In this kind of state, the taxes are proportional to richness. The important trait of this state is that it guarantees a free and decorous existence to all people who live in the nation. The state gives money to people who are unable to work, to old people, to pregnant women. Health care and an house for poor people are (theoretically) granted. Outline: "We have divided our presentation into two parts" Part 1 : "The three models of welfare state" There are three models of welfare state: social democratic, Christian democratic, liberal. The first one is based on the principle of universal access to benefits and services, based on citizenship. This model promotes the status equality and a relatively high level of autonomy. It is typical of northern-Europe countries. The Christian democratic model is based on work: citizen’s rights come from the exercised profession. If you do not have a work, you will not receive the welfare services.(Continental and southern-Europe) In the liberal regime social rights come from the state of necessity. The system is based on priority of worthy poor people. Public services are not granted to all people, but only to a very limited range of persons. This creates a great duality between assisted people and
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