The Yellow Wallpaper Mental Illness

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Jennifer Dennen-McGee Dennen-McGee 1 Evangeline Alexander English 1213 02 Sept. 2011 Essay 1 The Crazy Lady (1899) “The Yellow Wallpaper” by Charlotte Perkins Gilman is a short story about a women who has a mental illness (Nervous condition) , but her husband does not believe it. She is kept in a room by her husband so that she can feel better, but instead seems to get worse as she looks further into the wallpaper and starts to see things. The First reason why she has a illness is, her husband would not let her pick out her own room. Its explained how big the house was and how many rooms there was yet her husband made her stay in the room with the yellow wallpaper. The room on the bottom…show more content…
The room that she stayed in she described as an old nursery with ugly hideous wallpaper that drives her crazy. The wallpaper looks as if it could have been an old boys school room. The paper is in patches all around the room and has been stripped off, almost like other people have been in that room before. The bed was old and wooden and nailed down to the floor so that it could not move. She did not like this room at all it provoked her studying and writing. After staying in the room for a few weeks, she grows fond of the room, its large and airy. Out of one of the windows she can see the garden, arbors, and some flowers. Out of another she sees a view of the bay and a little private wharf. I thought at this point that she was going to make a quick recovery because she’s trying to make the best out of her situation and enjoy everything she can about the room that she once hated. Another reason I believe she is so nervous and has a anxious problem is she just had a baby that she can not care for. She and her husband have a nanny to care for the
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