Thematic Analysis Of Cordelia The Crude By Wallace Thurman

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Mr. O 3/4/13 Period 9 Thematic Essay Poverty is something that affects many people and may result in making bad choices. In the short story Cordelia the Crude, by Wallace Thurman poverty is a main problem in the story. Throughout the story many decisions Cordelia made were probably because she didn’t have the best opportunities. Even though the author didn’t say poverty was a problem it was an underlining cause. Since Cordelia didn’t have the best home life prostitution was a way for her to maybe feel loved and that she was wanted. In the beginning she did it for pleasure and as she got older it was a way for her to make money. As the story goes on Cordelia never really got out of the effects of poverty. The first example that poverty was an underlining cause in Cordelia life was that prostitution was everywhere around her because she lived in a neighborhood where people were very poor and needed money. This influenced her greatly and got her started on a bad track in life. She made bad choices and could of made better choices by moving with her parents or staying at a steady job where she wasn’t selling herself for money. The fact that she was colored…show more content…
Seemed like Cordelia family was always on the move because if they didn’t have money they needed to move somewhere else to keep money flowing. If They had stayed in North Carolina, Cordelia would have had a better chance because they were working on a farm which was a much better job than what she pursued being. If staying in North Carolina was bad then Cordelia could have moved out of Harlem with her parents and maybe would have had better opportunities. Either way poverty kept the family moving because they needed money. If the family wasn’t poor and stuck in poverty chances are she would of never been a prostitute or chose prostitution as a way to make

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