To Helen And Helen

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Tiffany Aragon Pd. 2 11/9/09 Reaction paper “To Helen and “Helen” In the poems “To Helen” and “Helen” the author has two completely opposite views of the character Helen. In the first poem “To Helen” the speakers’ view towards Helen are admiration and obsession. However in the second poem “Helen” it’s the opposite and the view towards Helen are hate and disgrace. In the poem “To Helen” the author used beauty as a form of diction to show his fascination towards the character. In the beginning of the poem the author used the word “beauty” to describe how the speaker saw Helen. The author as well used the word “Psyche” towards the ending of the poem to emphasize Helen’s beauty since “Psyche” means beautiful princess dear to god. The purpose was to emphasize and show the speakers’ admiration and obsession towards Helen. The tone in this poem is peaceful and graceful for when the author says ”Thy Naiad airs have brought me home” signifies that Helen’s beauty is peaceful and gentle and her air can just take him home. The purpose for this tone is to show the speakers’ admiration towards Helen, that everything about her is great. The second poem “Helen” however has the speakers’ views towards Helen to being hate and disgrace. In the beginning of the poem it says, “All Greece hates the still eyes in the white face” to show the disgrace and hate towards Helen. The purpose was to describe how not only the speaker views Helen but all of Greece, which is with, hate and disgrace. The author used the word “reviles” to show hate and disgrace towards Helen since revile means negative information and verbal abuse. The purpose for this is to show that the speaker is not fascinated nor admired towards Helen. The speaker has

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