To Kill A Mockingbird Argumentative Essay

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BLOG 1 Today I was sitting on the front porch with Scout explain to her how important it is not to judge someone if you don’t know their story. I said to her “If you can learn a simple trick you’ll get along a lot better with all kinds of folks”(P30). “You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view”(P30). I wasn’t to happy to be having this conversation with my little Scout, but I have to teach her some of the lessons in life sooner than later. She can’t go around judging people, because she doesn’t know their story or what they go through. BLOG 2 Today I was in the kitchen preparing dinner. The kids were out back, and I just happened to overhear Scout talking about Tom Robinson. I just happened…show more content…
I knew he was innocent. So I figured it would be a good idea to discuss the situation with my brother Jack. He told me “The jury could possibly take Tom’s words over the Ewell’s”(P88). Then he told me “All we have is a black man’s word against their’s”(P88). That wasn’t to reassuring. Then I’m already upset about the trial, because I already know how its going to end. I really don’t want Jem and Scout to see how the people in this town really are. Here I am busting my tail to keep a innocent man alive and out of jail while everyone else wants him there just because he is black and a white woman cried wolf. BLOG 4 After court today Bob Ewell came and spit right in my face. All I could do was walk away, because I knew If I would have whooped up on him he would’ve went home and took it out on Mayella. “I wish Bob Ewell didn’t chew tobacco”(P217). “If spitting on me and threatening me saves Mayella one extra beating I’m willing to take it”(P218). I wasn’t all so happy about not being able to retaliate, but I knew bob would take his anger out Mayella if I did. I didn’t care about what the surrounding people were saying or the name calling. I knew Bob takes his anger out by beating her so I didn’t care I was saving her. BLOG
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