To What Extent Were African Americans Treated as 'Second Class Citizens' in the States Between 1940-1946?

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To what extent were African Americans treated as ‘second class citizens’ in the states between 1940 and 1946? Second class citizen is a person who is systematically discriminated against within an area despite their legal residency. African Americans were discriminated against not only socially, but also within economics and politics. The blacks were always targeted as a scape goat during issue like the Depression due to the Wall Street Crash. They were the first ethnic groups to feel the cuts being made to save money and ensure that the whites had the best standard of living. Segregation became legal with the slogan ‘Separate but Equal’ which allowed segregation as long as both groups had access to the same facilities. The blacks fought for equality and saw the beginning of WW2 as a way of gaining the same respect and standard of living as the whites. This however, was not the case as there was segregation within soldiers and not recognition for the blacks after the war. One of the ways in which African Americans were treated as second class citizens before 1940, was in politics. Before the war less than 2 per cent of the black population in southern states could vote. However, after the war 15 per cent of the black population of the southern states had been registered to vote. This still isn’t 100 per cent of the population so the blacks were still the second class citizens; however, this is still a massive improvement which shows that the blacks were being more recognised. Black campaigners tried to use the fact that they fought in the war to gain respect and equality. However, there was still a very high number of racism in the southern states and the number of lynchings increased after the war. This shows that even after the effort the black put into helping in the war, they were still classed as second class citizens and not respected in the same way as
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