Trial And Death In Plato's The Apology

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Socrates’ Trial and Death Athenians were humiliated by the lost battle against Sparta. Athens was stabilizing and recovering from the defeat while Socrates, being much of a critic, found himself in trouble after politically expressing his views on the new democracy. When someone's opinion does not match that of the majority, does that make them wrong? In ancient Athens around 400 BC, the majority of a 501 member jury believed so. A person with beliefs and principles should be allowed to express his/her thoughts because he/she can visualize something which others may not. In Plato's The Apology which literally means, defense, Socrates had many beliefs and Principles which weren't accepted by his fellow Athenians. Due to their false accusations against Socrates beliefs, an innocent man was wrongfully sentenced to death. I believe his death was not justified because he was just expressing his ideas, he took responsibilities for all of his actions, and he stood by his beliefs through many hardships.…show more content…
He expressed these moral characters in times of trouble. While he was in put away in a cell, his fellow friends bribed the guard but Socrates knowing what his fate is coming too did not leave because he thought it was unjust. When the penalty of death was brought up at his trial he said, "Death is something I couldn't care less about, but that my whole concern is not to do anything unjust or impious." (The Apology line 32d) He was concerned with acting unjustly. He took full responsibility for what he was being accused for. He told the members of the jury that if he was found guilty he would take the sentence of death and take responsibility for his actions, as shown in line 36 b, "He assesses the penalty of death. So be it." The fact that Socrates took responsibility and accepted death for a non-criminal act, should have gotten him dismissed from the death penalty. However, he was the bigger man and accepted this undeserving

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