Twelfth Night Comparison Essay

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Miss Campbell March 28, 2011 English 2201 Adam loder Comparison Essay The movies Twelfth Night and She’s the Man both have some similarities and differences that the Authors expressed in their own ways. The ways the author uses these is through setting and tone. The movie Twelfth Night was a play written by William Shakespeare. The setting is the time and place of where the action takes place. The setting is a main point in this movie because when Viola discovers her brother is missing and she thinks he is dead, she goes into disguise as her brother. The setting here is back in the 1700’s where there is no modern technology like there is today. Another example of setting is when Sir Toby, Sir Andrew, and Feste are at Olivia’s courtyard drinking. This setting is different from today because there are no courtyards for drinking, they are just recognized as bars. This is the setting for Shakespeare’s day, and these are the time and place the author of Twelfth Night the movie was created. However, the setting back in Shakespeare’s day was not modern like today and there are big differences between the two. For example, when Viola in the move She’s the Man is going to be disguised as her brother Sebastian, she just goes to a hair saloon and gets turned into Sebastian. This is deferent from Twelfth Night because both…show more content…
Tone is the writer’s attitude toward the subject or audience. Tone is conveyed through diction and style. An example of tone in Twelfth night is when Maria and Sir Toby wrote the letter to Malvolio in spite. Malvolio thought it was from Olivia because he’s in love with her. The writer created an angry tone towards Malvolio. This is similar to She’s the Man. Another example of tone is when the Duke’s men were in search of Antonia. All of the tone was towards him. He was wanted by the Duke’s men because of his past. This is how tone is used to be similar and different to She’s the
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