Unit 1: Introduction to Communication in Health, Social Care or Children’s & Young People’s Settings

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1.Understand why communication is important in the work setting- 1.1People communicate for numerous different reasons, to build relationships being one of them; this will enable you to work more effectively as a team with your colleagues but to also gain trust with a service user so they can talk to you if they have any problems/ concerns. Another reason is so you can share information, this is vital in my work setting because, for example, if a service user begins a new course of antibiotics then the member of staff dealing with this must pass the information on to all other staff to make sure they continue the course of medication. Finally communication is important to allow you to reassure others; if a service user with dementia is becoming distressed due to confusion of where they are for instance, then gentle reassurance is needed to help the situation and make them feel at ease. 1.2 Effective communication affects all aspects of my work because it helps build trust between both me and my colleagues and me and the service users. If a service user feels they can trust me then any problems they may face can be shared and overcome in a professional way. It also affects me in the way that it helps me understand individual’s needs; if communication is successful between me and a colleague then they can give me clear instructions on a certain service users preferences allowing me to meet their needs. 1.3 Observing others reactions is of great importance in my work setting. If I am having a discussion with a service user about how they are feeling today and they tell you they are absolutely fine but avoid eye contact with you and look straight down at the floor then you are going to assume what they are telling you isn’t true. Another reason is if you are talking to a colleague who is normally bubbly and happy and their verbal communication with you i.e. the tone or

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