Unit 201 Health and Social Care

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Unit 201. Outcome 1. People often communicate so they can develop and maintain positive working relationships with family and friends of a person who may be using their services. For people who are using a service they communication so they can express their wants and needs so they can be met. We all also need to do develop and maintain positive working relationships with colleagues and professionals who have contact with the service that you are a part of. We need communicate so we can share information with people who are using the services so they can provide and receive information. People who are using the service need to communication as they need to express the way that they are feeling, if they have any thoughts and ideas they will be able to express that, we need to maintain good working relationships with our colleagues as we will needs to share and receive information with them and knowing what support is needed if there is any. A client who is using the service will need to be able to communicate somehow to express if there is anything wrong with them or another client who is using the service. If there is a client who attends a day centre and a incident has happened at home the day centre will need to be informed of this. It is important to observe a person when talking with them because only 70 – 80% of information is verbal, which means the other percentage is non – verbal. This means if a person is not paying attention they could be missing out on alot of communication which could be vital because people could be communicating threw using their body language and facial expressions. Communication is a two way process and its not only about sending a message it’s also about knowing the receiver has received and processed the message properly. When talking to a person face to face the person may be listening but may not reply verbally to
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