Unit 259 Understanding Change In The Workplace

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259 – Understanding change in the workplace Internal factors may include; improvement in working conditions, resources (including finance), staff skill levels, relationships between the workforce & management and policies & procedures. External factors may be of a political, environmental, economic, social, technological, or legal nature. A negative response and attitude may come from someone who doesn’t like change. For instance some one who has been working on the same machine for ten years may not like change. This may be due to being to comfortable in his role or the uncertainty of change. A positive response and attitude may come from someone who likes change. For instance some one has been asked to join a new cost saving program at work, this may create a positive attitude for the person and he will feel a valued member of the team. A perceived threat to position, finances or prospects – to overcome this barrier, you would have to assume you are going…show more content…
Finally to celebrate achievement and success, this shows employees your appreciation and will help keep the team together. Support the organisations direction – during times of change, your team will be watching your actions so make sure you are supporting the change that is taking place. Communicating as much as possible during the change –this is to ensure the message has been delivered to employees. Ask for input and concerns – this includes the team and will also spark some interest amongst the team. Celebrate success – organise an evening out or simply bring in some treats for the team. Work together as a team towards the specific goal, set up team meetings to contribute towards the goal. Delegate the tasks to employees but do not micro manage, micro managing can create an atmosphere and stifle creativity. Motivate team members and resolve under lying issues to keep team

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