Unit 3: Compensation Expert Interview

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Compensation Expert Interview Kaplan University HA-530 Unit 3 Assignment 27 January, 2014 I interviewed a human resources/compensation specialist at a very prestigious university hospital located in Kansas. This individual is in charge of paying employees, recruiting, and hiring personnel for all of the departments within the University of Kansas Medical Center. She has worked in the industry for fifteen years and with KU med for nine years. How do you determine wages and salary levels for your employees? I determine the wages and salary levels for my employees by analyzing the US Department of Labor statistical data and the average wages that are earned by healthcare professionals at every level of the each healthcare profession.…show more content…
I accomplished this by adding the 5% increase in the salary offered for every two years of experience that the individuals have, in addition to paying them the average salary for individuals working those specific occupations. Luckily working at an excellent academic institution allows us to see many qualified candidates for every position that have a familiarity with out facility and its standards. How do you ensure that pay is perceived as fair? Every employee at KU med is paid at least the average national salary for their positions, and some employees are awarded more because experience and academic credentials allow for increases. I also ensure that every employee has a copy of the pay scale and requirements for increased levels of pay. This has proved to be a fair pay scale and competitive with other institutions. Do job applicants or employees ever negotiate for pay? Because of the medical industry being so competitive we do have applicants that want to negotiate pay. We try not to engage in pay negotiations, due to the fact that most are satisfied with the opportunity to gain 5% increases in their yearly salaries by accumulating years of experience and satisfactory performance within their fields of employment. In some cases we do allow negotiations but those cases are few and far…show more content…
KU Med doesn’t utilize hiring bonuses, due to the fact that experienced individuals who are in high demand are paid much more upon being hired. This is because of the 5% increases in the yearly salaries offered for 2 years of experience. This essentially means that an individual with eight years of experience will start with a 20% increase in their first year starting salary over an individual with no experience. Have you ever thought of changing the pay systems? I haven’t considered changing the system all together. I have played with ideas to tweak in and make it better. The pay system that we presently utilize helps to attract as well as retain highly qualified individuals on our staff. I wouldn’t be doing my job if I didn’t look to improve on things already working. Do you offer any incentives to your employees? We do actually offer incentives to our employees. The major incentive that we offer is guaranteed advancement opportunities for outstanding performance. This means that there is no time restriction for employment opportunities, so that an individual that enters our organization and performs outstandingly, can have the opportunity to advance to management positions within as little as a year. We believe that performance counts more than time in position for deciding who has earned promotions within the organization. Another incentive that we offer to our employees is the opportunity to become employee of the month for outstanding
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