Unit 5 A1 – Evaluate How the Current Research Can Support Practitioners Practice in the Setting

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The current research carried out by Save The Children into Poverty in the UK can support practitioners practice in the setting as it shows them how many children in the UK are affected by poverty and how they can help children they teach who are living with poverty. For example 19% of children out of 1,500 children aged between eight and sixteen are missing out on school trips and first hand experiences. Therefore the practitioner needs to support and understand that some children’s first hand experiences are limited so practitioners could organise trips to the local park, run after school clubs and have themed areas in the setting such as a seaside, zoo, café or camping. This will benefit children as they are gaining new skills and developing ones they already had but it will also benefit them in their future as they will be able to relate back to these experiences later in life. This will promote their social and emotional development as the children are learning social skills as they will be more involved in the class for example setting up a café in the setting will help the children to learn to take on different roles and to work as part of a team. Practitioners can also offer practical help such as access to spare clean clothes/shoes, free school meals, lend learning resources and hand out reading books as some children may not have access to a book at home. Practitioners need to work in partnership with parents in order to understand the situation the family are in and so that they can support the needs within the setting. To gain the parents trust the practitioner must demonstrate appropriate respect when discussing the family situation. Practitioners must also be sensitive and respect confidentiality. Practitioners should understand that children can feel isolated, stressed, guilt and lacking in self-esteem. The children need to be nurtured and have

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