Unit 8 Assignment 1 P2

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There are 6 different psychological perspectives of human behaviour; these have been developed by lots of different theorists. The different perspectives are; Behaviourist, Social Learning, Psychodynamic Approach, Humanistic, Cognitive/information processing and Biological perspectives. The first perspective I will be looking at is the behaviourist perspective, this was the most widely used perspective in health and social care but since then there have been other theories that are used more now making this perspective less influential than it was. This perspective only focuses on behaviour that can be seen as it focuses on the way humans learn and what impact this will have on their behaviour and relationships in the future. Behaviourists believe that people the only way that people will learn how to develop relationships and how to cope with stress and pressure has be to learnt from other people around you. They also believe that a person’s behaviour is learnt and will be repeated if the behaviour is reinforced. There are two theorists that are the most closely related to the behaviourist perspective are Ivan Pavlov a Russian physiologist and B.F. Skinner who was an American psychologist. Ivan Pavlov theory was classical conditioning, Pavlov used dogs attached to a harness and monitors that measured the rate at which they salivate, and he did this as he thought this would be the way to learn about digestion in dogs. He measured the amount they salivated when they were given food, yet, he realised that they didn’t have to be given food for them to being salivating as soon as they realised that they were going to be given food. Pavlov soon realised that the dogs had learnt to associate the sound of the experimenters step with receiving food; this process was identified as classical conditioning. B.F. Skinner looked at Operant conditioning; Skinner experimented
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