Unit Shc31 Essay

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1.1 Different reasons why people communicate. When in early years setting, people communicate for a range of purposes, such as, to give/receive information or instructions, to discuss an issue, to express needs/opinions and to develop their own learning. When those, who provide care for children and young people, communicate, their practice becomes better adapted and communication is vital to work together as a team. According to K.Beith et al “as an early years practitioner, the way you communicate with adults will also affect the quality of care provided for the children” and it is important to communicate effectively to ensure that everyone has clear information and can understand your actions. (Beith.K et al,Pg.2, Level 2 certificate for the Children and young people’s workforce, 2010, Heinemann, Harlow) When I work with children I communicate with children and young people to build relationships, verbal or non-verbal communication may be used to help children and young people feel welcome and valued, and to co-ordinate activities. Effective communication is required for children and young people to encourage positive behaviour and K.Beith states that practitioners will communicate “to give instructions to children so that they understand what is required of them in routines and activities, such as emergency practices and outings” (Beith.K et al,Pg.3, Level 2 certificate for the Children and young people’s workforce, 2010, Heinemann, Harlow) Early years practitioners communicate regularly with parents to build relationships and to share information. Communication between parents and practitioners can help the setting provide adequate care and provision for their children. Early years practitioners also communicate with parents to give them information about the setting

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