United States Declaration Of Equality: Are All Men Equal?

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Are All Men Equal? The United States Declaration of Independance gave the same rights to everyone, right? It didn't leave out women, African-Americans, or anyone. Or did it? A man can not marry another man and a woman can not marry another woman. That seems a little unfair. I was under the impression that all men-and women-were created equal. Weren't we, as a county, for under the idea of freedom, rights, and a say in how we live our lives? The Declaration itself states, "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Persuit of Happiness." We can't do that. We can't even marry who we want anymore!…show more content…
If the bible did not say that it was wrong, noone would pay any attention to it. Homosexuality would be a normal thing. Just because god says it's wrong does not mean it is. We have freedom of religion, which means we do not have to believe in god. Not everyone does. Isn't there supposed to be a separation of church and state? That is what the Constitution of the United States says. So why isn't there? In my opinion, the only reason gay marriage is illegal, is because of people's religious beliefs. That, my friend, is not supposed to have anything to do with our country and it's…show more content…
Homosexuals do not choose to be that way. They do not choose to be ridiculed and made fun of and set apart. God made them that way, and then turns around and says it's wrong; that they'll go to hell. Screw what god says! Is he just a jerk? Is he looking for cruelty towards others in this world? I wish I could answer these questions. Tell me, does any of this seem fair to any degree? Just because someone is different, and going against "god's will," they can not have the same basic rights as everyone else. I believe the government is just trying to make the majority of the United States happy. I also believe they are letting their own religious beliefs get in the way. This needs to stop. We need to stop being so stubborn, and realize this injustice. Are all men

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