Using Material from Item a and Elsewhere, Assess the View That Sociology and Research Findings Have Little Influence on the Policies of Governments

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Sociologists often carry out research which can influence and be used by governments to dictate social policy. Some sociologists argue that sociological research has a large impact on social policy, whilst others argue that it has little influence, and that investors and the powerful are what influences social policy. Governments are elected by the people, as such the government and other political parties want to please the voters. This means that new social policies can influence how the government is perceived and how popular it is, if a new social policy is not popular then the government will lose popularity, and therefore voters. Moreover, governments will not accept findings which go against their beliefs, this suggests that social policy is only influenced by sociological research if the research findings happen to agree with the governments view. Furthermore the government is able to twist or manipulate the findings, for example, a government could show a certain type of crime has been lowered simply by labelling it as something else. This shows how governments are able to use sociological research in social policy because if they choose to use the research they can manipulate it to show something in a more positive light than what it really is. Powerful individuals and interest groups are able to influence social policy. Large and powerful businesses are able to have an influence over social policy. For example, funding a political party can gain a company influence. This means that the company could get the government to adopt a social policy which helps the company. Large companies are able to pay for sociological research to take place. This suggests that sociological research is able to influence social policy. However, due to the funding being provided by the company, the results of the research could just so happen to turn out exactly as the
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