Utopian Society Response

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Dear Editor: After reading the book A Brave New World it has caught my attention that the world is heading towards a utopian society, or a world state. This is alarming and needs to be acted on imminently. A utopian society is one that is ignorant yet content. Today it is evident our civilization is heading towards a utopian society because people will give up liberal freedom for safety, we are becoming a “Prozac-Nation”, and the media controls the news that we receive. We must stop this from happening by keeping our freedoms, ending this drug dependent nation, and keeping independent media alive. As a community today we will give up many of our freedoms and liberties for safety. After the attacks on September 11, 2001, liberties have been given up because people feel safer. But are we really safer? Since the laws have changed it is illegal to carry a concealed weapon in New York City. This law may decrease crime in New York, but it removes the ability for New York citizens to “bear arms” against their government when necessary. According to Thomas Jefferson “every generation needs a revolution.” How are these revolutions going to happen if every government official can see which citizens have weapons? Today, the government…show more content…
On average today Americans are prescribed 3.5 billion prescriptions annually. This number has been steadily increasing in recent years. Also today just about half of all Americans take one or more prescription drugs daily (About.com). These numbers are alarming and need to be changed to prevent America from becoming a society that is completely medicated, just like the society in A Brave New World. To prevent a “Prozac-Nation”, prescriptions for anti-depressants, and medicines that alter the mood of a person should be carefully regulated. This would prevent the United States from becoming over

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