V For Vendetta Research Paper

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Comparative Government V for Vendetta 2/25/12 V for Vendetta The government tried to put a stop to V’s criminal yet heroic activities but they couldn’t seem to get the better of the man. The defense of the nation was entirely upon V’s back yet he proved his point any single time he wished. He was unstoppable, fueled by the ideals and thoughts of a society that wasn’t taken down by corruptness or greed; he wanted a society that was for the people, not a society for the chancellor. People for the most part tried to remain in a normal standard of living but the population grew scared as the chancellor became more powerful and turned into that of a dictator. V saw something in Evey no one else did, he saw…show more content…
After months and months of being beaten and having her hair shaven off it turned out to be V who was behind it all. He tried to explain through her anger how he was trying to help her to not be afraid, not even of death, and it worked. People grew weary of the chancellor and the government because they no longerff felt secure and had no real freedom, their lives had turned into the chancellor’s democracy. Equality was thrown out the window and the country was headed for an even more darker state. V was eventually taken down but managed to take the chancellor down as well. Evey granted V his last wishes and boarded him upon a train headed for the downtown clock tour filled with explosives that would symbolize a new world and a new way of thinking. It took me two times to watch this movie to decide my feelings on V, whether he was a hero or a villain. Technically the man could be both but in the end I would label V a hero. He took a country in ruins that was turning into a dictatorship and made it crumble into pieces so that the country could rebuild and start over. Let the chips lie where they fall I

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