Victor Getting Sick In Frankenstein

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What is Really Ailing Victor? Throughout the book Frankenstein, Victor is continuously getting sick. Why is this? Was he born with a weak immune system? Has his body become frail from a previous sickness and he catches any illness that is in the air? The answer to both of these questions is no. Except for the end of Victor’s journeys, when he was nearly frozen to death and frail from lack or nourishment and sleep, Victor is not sick because of a weakened body or from being previously sick. He is sick from the realization of what he created and the havoc that the creature commits. Throughout the book Frankenstein, Victor becomes physically ill with the realization of what he has done from trying to be God and creating the monster. He is ill…show more content…
One can assume that Victor must look like the walking dead; his eyes sunken in and looking bruised, skin pasty and ghostly transparent, hair stringy and as coarse as straw, lips cracked like the Sahara Desert. Victor tells Clerval an evasive explanation of what he has been doing. From the section above “but I hope, I sincerely hope, that all these employments are now at an end, and that I am at length free” Victor is admitting his prayers that his creature would disappear so he could go back to a normal life and not deal with the mistake that he has created. Almost immediately after Victor returns to his home and finds that the creature is gone, his first feeling is relief. But then Victor has what could be considered a nervous breakdown and is sick for months. This is partly due to his malnourishment and exhaustion but mainly because he is distraught from what he has leashed onto the world. Victor did not have the strength or the courage to go after the creature and was plagued with worries that it was going to show up at any…show more content…
The creature was insisting that Victor make one more creation. Once this was done, the creature promised that they would leave and no human would ever be bothered with them again. At first Victor agreed to make the monster a mate, but in the middle of doing so, he came to the realization that he could not complete this task. How could Victor be positive that the new monster would leave the human world? What if this creature had a taste for killing? No. Victor could not finish this creation. After Victor denied the creature his only request, the creature was livid. It responded “Slave, I before reasoned with you, but you have proved yourself unworthy of my condescension. Remember that I have power; you believe yourself miserable but I can make you so wretched that the light of day will be hateful to you. You are my creator, but I am your master – obey!” (p 173) The creature fled the premises and then went after Victor’s best friend Clerval. He killed him in a neighboring town and left the scene before he was noticed. The next day Victor came to this town and because he was a stranger he was immediately accused of being the murderer. Once Victor realized that the person who was murdered was Clerval, he instantly knew that the monster has stricken once again. After seeing the lifeless body of his beloved friend, Victor again becomes severely
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