Vlt Imformative Essay About Penicillin

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The discovery of penicillin became a widely used medicine in the year of 1943 the required clinical trials were performed showing an effective and fastest way to treat medical wounds. though it is peculiar that one stray mold spore could have been responsible for the discovery of penicillin. so what made penicillin a special medical use? penicillin was originally discovered by French medical student named Ernest Duchesne in 1896.penicillin was then re-discovered by bacteriologist Alexander Fleming. he observed that a plate culture that contained staphylococcus had been contaminated by a blue green mold and that colonies of bacteria adjacent to the mold were being dissolved.curiously Alexander grew the mold in a pure culture and found that it produced a substance that killed a number of disease causing bacteria. he then named the substance penicillin. Dr.Howard Florey was a future Nobel Laureate and three colleagues at oxford university began intensive research and were able to demonstrate penicillin's ability to kill infectious bacteria.as the war with Germany began to drain industrial and government resources.by November 26,1941 the yields of penicillin was increased 10 times penicillin production was quickly scaled up and available in quantity to treat allied soldiers wounded on D-day as production was increased, the price dropped from nearly priceless in 1940, to 20 dollars per dose in July 1943, to 55 cents per dose by 1946. as a result of their work, two members of the British group were awarded the Nobel prize. Dr.Andrew j. Moyer from the Peoria lab was inducted into the inventors hall of fame and both the British and Peoria laboratories were designated as international historic chemical landmarks. They believed there was medical potential in penicillin. Florey and chain were working on their research in earnest in 1939 and 1940 , during world war
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