Vygotskian Framework Essay

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In the early 1900’s, Lev Vygotsky proved to be a contributing theorist in the study and understanding of cognitive development in children. At a time when Jean Piaget had his published theories on cognitive development and his stance on children acquiring knowledge through information transfer, Vygotsky proved to be the contrast with his theories centred on the close involvement of culture with cognitive development. Plainly it is the fact that influences for children in cognitive development, come through the construction of knowledge from social-cultural sources. For Vygotsky the mental process that children go through incorporates both culture and experience to ultimately construct knowledge. The focus is on the child as a whole and everything that enters into their world is “...a process by which children grow into the intellectual world around them” (Vygotsky 1978 p88). “Vygotsky argued that each culture has a set of artefacts, physical and mental tools, through which the culture is expressed and passed on” (Krause et al 2007). This was a particular point of interest in his theorizing of language and the role that it played in the development of the child. Language, counting systems and other culture specific knowledge components, were passed down through generations with few barriers. This connection between culture and development proved to be a significant link in the information exchange. It also highlighted the interpersonal connection between the child and other important people in the community. Children are influenced by their family and members of their immediate community, whether geographical or situational. They are to be involved and look to develop with everyone that comes into their world. To adopt the Vygotskian framework into a practical sense within the classroom environment, teachers could encourage exploration of the world around them
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