Whale Rider Film Tecnniques and Main Ideas

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In every single successful film, novel, or other media type, it is integral to the film that there are clear and suitable main ideas. Main ideas are not only fundamental aspects of a media type such as a film, but they also give the plot of the film, depth, meaning and most significantly creates audience emotion (for example, sadness, happiness, anger disappointment etc.) With suitable use, and choice of main ideas, any director of a film is able to successfully bond their movie, with the viewer’s emotion- and hence make the film more enjoyable. In highly acclaimed film, Whale Rider there were numerous main ideas which gave the film a suitable plot, and helped give viewers the intended audience response. One of these main ideas was patriarchy. Patriarchy is the social view that men are superior to women, and hence, women are not able to access all rights that men are. Within the film, there were countless examples of how Koro had mistreated Pai because she was a female, and one of these examples was during the traditional Maui ceremony. During this scene, the patriarchy was emphasized when Pai refused to sit at the back. Koro had said, “Pai, go sit at the back. You’re a girl”. This short, albeit effective sentence was used by Koro because he wanted to quickly tell Pai that he didn’t care for her as much as the boys, just because of her gender. When a viewer hears this short but effective statement, they would immediately realise the great mistreatment towards Pai that she must endure every day due to the fact that she is a female. Another display of patriarchy during this film during a scene preceding the birth and simultaneous death of Pai’s brother and mother. During this scene, a conversation is held between Koro, and Pai’s father. One of the first sentences Koro say’s after the tragic outcome of the birth was, “Come home, start again”. Offended by this,
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