What Caused the Civil War? Is It Accurate to Say That the Civil War Was About Slavery? If Slavery or Even the Slavery Extension Issue Caused the War Then Why Was There Not a War in 1820 or 1832 or 1846 or 1850 or 1854?

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What caused the Civil War? Is it accurate to say that the Civil War was about slavery? If slavery or even the slavery extension issue caused the war then why was there not a war in 1820 or 1832 or 1846 or 1850 or 1854? The American Civil War was and is one of the most horrific casualty causing wars the United States has ever been involved in; it was a war that waged for over four years and caused over 600,000 casualties and dead. The war was due to a culmination of events ranging from the institution of slavery, its implications on society, and the economic impact slavery was having on society. The American Civil War was also due to an uneasy alliance between the Northern and Southern congressman that after many decades of compromise and conciliation, their bipartisanship failed and in their views there could be no more compromise. Arguably the North and South both believed that they were fighting a war against political oppression and the condemnation of a way of life, the North believed they were fighting for free economic expansion and later the emancipation of a people, while the South believed they were fighting for their own rights and way of life. The American Civil War was more than a war about slavery, and the extension of slavery; it was a war of states’ rights over federal, it was also a technological push for industrialization over the continuing agricultural mode of living. The war did not erupt in 1820 because a compromise was reached. The Missouri Compromise was a deal stuck by both sides of Congress, at this time the clear distinction between North and South had not been so prevalent, but this issue about the expansion of slavery was making bold lines in the sand. The Compromise of 1820 was about the extension of slavery and how it should not pass the 36°30’ north line in the Louisiana Territory, Congress wanted to keep the number of slave

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