What Does Money Symbolize In The Great Gatsby

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The Pursuit of Money Trumps the Search for Love In The Great Gatsby, F. Scott Fitzgerald harps on the theme of Materialism. The focus of gaining more money has been prevalent ever since the beginning of monetary means. This novel is written in the setting of the roaring twenties, where people accumulated wealth from the stock market, illegal bootlegging and gambling. During this time period, the titles ‘new money’ and ‘old money’ were adopted. ‘Old money’ refers to the people who came from a lineage of wealth, and ‘new money’ points those who were self-made. Unfortunately, no amount of wealth, be it new money or old money, can produce true happiness. For instance, a life without love often leads to a life of depression. Daisy Buchanan proves this point in her dilemma of having to choose between her lifeless marriage to Tom Buchannan and the spark of love in her relationship with Jay Gatsby. Daisy chooses the comfort of money over the fulfillment of love. She validates that in society, the materialistic properties of wealth trumps love.…show more content…
However, after being reacquainted, Gatsby exclaims, "She [Daisy] never loved you [Tom], do you hear"" he cried. "She only married you because I was poor and she was tired of waiting for me. It was a terrible mistake, but in her heart she never loved anyone except me!"'(137). Even though it appears that Daisy places importance on the values of love, she still chooses the status and comfort of Tom Buchanan’s wealth. In Tom and Daisy’s superficial relationship, the absence of love is evident by the lack of their communication. Nick Carraway shows this by
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