What Is Supportive Communication

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Unit 1 – communication and supportive skills Communication is important in almost all fields. Communication helps you to understand what the other person is saying. It is also an important strategy in order to deliver what you or the other person is trying to say. The role of communication is to develop new skills and clearly understand the service user in order to give the best possible health care. As a health professional if you want to deliver good quality care you need to communicate effectively and it will also help you to learn the needs of your client this is important because so that the service user knows they are in good hands and it also gives them an idea on what is going to happen. You will learn several new details about the…show more content…
Communicating with different people in the setting is also a great importance to when in a health or social care setting because you need to work as a team as well as speaking to the patients to make them feel comfortable and welcoming. This will also show that the patients can rely on you and discuss any problems that they may have or face. When communicating with a wide range of people you get an idea on how different people are you will also know how to deal with that certain person. Effective teamwork shows that you can work in a environment with a whole range of different people and communicate with them in order to give the best care and treatment to those who need it.When having a conversation with a service user it is important that while or after they are speaking you make sure to reassure what the other person has said, to do this is you should use hand gestures, when your thinking or struggling to communicate you…show more content…
Also repeating back what the patient has just said just to reassure that everything is understood and in case there is any misunderstanding. When speaking to the service user directly always make sure to use appropriate responses and look directly into the persons eyes so that they know you’re paying attention. The advice I would give to a care worker firstly would be to check the understanding of the patient and understand where they are coming from. The most important skill is to listen, always listen carefully to what the patient is saying and also note it down, if you’re not sure on what the patient has said just ask them to repeat it again just to reassure and also so that you haven’t misunderstood anything and all facts stated are all true, in addition to this you should see yourself in their position and how you would feel if you was them so that way you will understand how they feel and what they’re going through. Another advice I would give is to always use age appropriate language so for example if you speaking to a young child then go down
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