What Were The Ideas Expressed During The Enlightenment

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NOTES 1. Describe the fiscal crises and their causes- a. War of spanish succession, war of the Austrian succession, French and indian war, and seven years war. Enormous costs of these conflicts distinguished them from earlier wars. Traditional taxes collected in traditional ways no longer covered the obligations of governments. Major debt after Seven Years War- 137 million. Etc. 2. What were the ideas expressed during the Enlightenment? How did they spread?- A philosophical movement in eighteenth-century Europe that fostered the belief that one could reform society by discovering rational laws that governed social behavior and that were just as scientific as the laws of physics. 3. What were Benjamin Franklin’s achievements?- Some of Benjamin's greatest achievements are later in life when he became a premier statesman. He was elected to the Pennsylvania Assembly in 1750 where his principal duties were voyaging to London to represent the colony before the English parliament. But as British laws became more and more…show more content…
How did the Enlightenment threaten traditional culture?- A philosophical movement in eighteenth-century Europe that fostered the belief that one could reform society by discovering rational laws that governed social behavior and that were just as scientific as the laws of physics. 5. What caused the American Revolution? (Full Answer)- The British government had long imposed taxes to pay for the cost of troops stationed in the colonies to defend against French forces in Canada. When the British gained control of Canada from France fewer troops were needed. As troop levels were reduced and to soften colonial unrest, except for a tax on imported tea all others were removed. Colonials had no representation in the British parliament and they saw this as, "taxation without representation. 6. George Washington- (1732-1799)- Military commander of the American Revolution. He was the first elected president of the United

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