Who Controls You Kipniss

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Who Controls You? (An Analysis On Agency) Throughout time leaders have tried to figure out a way to maintain absolute power over people so that a controlled society can be created. Our leaders have used various methods for controlling citizens such as using brute force to control civilians, to times of plague which induces fear among the masses. But there has been one tool that has been quite effective called the panopticon, which is simply a circular structure that puts up walls between people keeping them from interacting with others while in the center a guard position is keeping watch on you. But the thing is you don’t know if you are being watch so it is the fear of the unknown that keeps you from being distracting or even destructive.…show more content…
But if you think about love is the most controlling power of all Kipnis even says this in her reader advisory page. One part of her essay that I thought really showed some potential was her idea that love causes adultery, and that adultery is deception to your partner. Not only are you deceiving your partner but you’re also deceiving yourself. “Adulterers behave badly. Deception rules the land, self-deception included. Not knowing what you’re doing risks bad faith, and living exclusively in the present, and leaving sodden emotional disasters strewn behind.” Pg. 408. I like to think that deception could be used to show the power of the panopticon. Because your partner is the person you have power over and by using deception they can’t truly see what you are doing, so they go on not doing anything bad because they don’t know if they can see you but they might be watched. Especially if you are a couple who always has to know where each other is. A synonym for deception is bad faith which is really spot on for what she is talking about in her essay because that’s what adultery is just plain old bad faith. And if you have this power of deception you are also somewhat harnessing the power of the panopticon. Deception is just another agency where you can lose power without even knowing it because of your ability to not see what is going…show more content…
So it really puts a lot of pressure on social institutions like public schools to shape all of those students to be normal citizens. In millers essay he argues toward the end if “Secular institutions of higher education be taught to use writing to foster a Kind of critical optimism that is able to transform idle feelings of hope into viable plans for sustainable

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