Who Is Beowulf Good Or Evil

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Beowulf study guide Beowulf- The protagonist of the epic, Beowulf is a Geat hero. The strongest warrior has strength of 30 in one hand. Fights Grendel, Grendel’s mother, and the dragon. Died from dragon poison. Grendel- Demon with human feelings. Attacks heoret because he was mad that he couldn’t attend the banquet. Lost his arm and died of blood loss. Grendel’s mother- Seeks revenge for her son’s death and is called evil for it. She takes back Grendel’s arm and aeschere Unferth Danish warrior who is jealous of Beowulf and tries to belittle Beowulf when he arrives. Hrothgar- The king of the Danes. Hrothgar represents a different kind of leadership from the young and strong warrior Beowulf. Also paid ecgtheow’s blood price Aeschere- Hrothgar’s…show more content…
o Beowulf has a great know rep, and also he doesn’t fight humans o Grendel and the other monsters are displayed as evil and dangerous. o No human is pure good or evil that’s why it is not man vs man. • The Role of Tradition – The values and traditions diminish. In the beginnings Beowulf fights for fame, glory, and gold but when he died for those he was not happy. o Beowulf was not happy when he saw the rusty gold at the end. • Mortality and Identity- was everything in their society. They did everything to leave behind a strong legacy. No one is immortal but one can be with a strong legacy left behind. o All the things Beowulf does in his life o The pyre that is built for him o Hrothgar’s speech Symbols Grendel-Symbolizes anger, loneliness, and evil, Grendel gets mad because he can’t be a part of the banquet. He has human emotions. Grendel’s Mother- Symbolizes revenge, she wants to avenge her son’s death Dragon-Symbolizes selfishness, materialism, greed, and pride, the dragon get mad and starts burning stuff because a slave took a small goblet to earn his freedom, he thinks that one goblet is worth more than human

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