Why High School Students Cant Read

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Why High Schools Graduates are Unable to Read There are several reasons why some high school graduates are unable to read. One reason is the students themselves do not have support from family members to realize how important reading and writing can help them thrive in life. The students also play sports too much to focus on any type of education. They don’t make time to for school work and so they struggle when it is time to take tests of learn to read. If the student has learning disabilities, they will not tell anybody because they are too embarrassed to mention them and they struggle throughout school; they don’t ask for help. The second reason that high school grads are unable to read is failure of school systems. Schools are overpopulated and crowded and ones that are in large populated areas are more focused on academic functions then the curriculum of learning. They don’t have enough teachers or teacher’s assistants to give each individual one on one time to learn the material. Students don’t have that support from the teacher that they need to succeed in school. They struggle because the teacher is helping somebody else or having to teach the entire class. The final and main reason why high school grads are unable to read is failure of the parents. Parents are so wrapped up in their busy lives that they don’t make time for their children. Children are often home alone with too much independence. Some parents don’t have enough education to understand the material that they leave it to their child to understand it and the child feels frustrated and just give up on the assignment. Then they struggle at school because they didn’t understand it in the first place. So all three of these reasons are connected because if the parents don’t support and help the student then the student gets
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