Why Is Edgar Allan Poe Bad

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Edgar Allan Poe Out of all the great well known American literature authors; Edgar Allan Poe is the name that everyone has heard of. Edgar Allan Poe has written many well known pieces. There are many rumors about Edgar Allan Poe weather it is good or bad. some say that he was abusive and an alcoholic. some say that he’s a genius when it comes to literature. Even though his stories and poem wasn't exactly well known during his time ironically it started selling and gain a lot of popularity after his death due to the rumors and stories that tarnish Edgar reputation. that led people to become more curious about him. Edgar Allan Poe was born in January 19, 1809 in Boston. he has two siblings Henry, and Rosalie. When Edgar was two his mother died and before he was born his father departed from the family. After his mother's death he was adopted by Mr. and Mrs. John Allan at the age of two.at the age of six he went to England for five years to study many subject like Latin, French, as well as math and history. Edgar later returns to America to to continue his studies. He attended University of Virginia in 1826 at the age of 17. Edgar adopted parent had plenty of money because of their successful…show more content…
His stories and poems reflects on his life since he didn't really have a fulfill life due to either the lack of finances, gambling, debts, and alcohol problems. After his death people started taking interested in his work due to the mysterious way that he died. Some say that he was mugged, and some even say that he died to the amount of alcohol he consumed. No one really knew what happened to Edgar Allan Poe on his final days his life which led to many questions. His death influences the people to take a peak of his life works. Edgar work was very original but due to the many work of Walt Whitman and Emily Dickinson . Edgar got a bit of influence from those

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