Why Lying To The Police Is Wrong

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Lying to Police Officers is a misdemeanor in most states. A misdemeanor is a crime that is bad but not life threatening most of the time. People lie daily to make themselves look more “cool” or to sound “badass”, but it doesn’t matter what you lie about because nothing is going to make it okay. Then lying to an Officer of the law might have repercussions that can cause much worse damage and harm than telling the truth to begin with. The ripples of this dishonesty can cause harm to: you, other people, and property that may be involved. Not to mention lying in general is just a horrible habit. It also causes a massive blow to your trust and responsibilities. These are the reasons why lying to police officer or at all are wrong. To start off, Lying can do harm to yourself .If you have done anything wrong in the first place it will just sink you into a deeper hole with more charges and if you haven’t done anything wrong and you lie to a police officer you just put yourself in trouble for no reason. All the lying does is go on your record and shows Police officers next time you are arrested that you are untrustworthy. A simple lie can turn the tables on you and you will end up getting put in to a police auto mobile. Instead of possibly getting a slap on the wrist, you could end up going to DJJ and having a court date over something as small and casual as a lie. People say that lying is something small when its outcomes can have tremendous effects. To continue with, if you lie to a Officer of the Law, you can get a innocent person in trouble for absolutely nothing or you could of just let someone that has commit a actual crime go. That is perfectly not okay or fair for anyone in society. They have done nothing to you and if you lie to the Officer that could result in them being put in a bad situation or it could let someone else go who has no right to be walking our

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