Why Walmart Is Bad For America

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Research Paper Word Count: 1274 How successful can a company become before it is an economic danger for our country? That is the question a lot of Americans have begun to ask about the massive super store Wal-Mart. In a struggling American economy Wal-Mart thrives while smaller companies struggle and some even go bankrupt. There is always going to be companies that make it while others don’t, but when do American citizens need to step in and draw the line when one mega company like Wal-Mart becomes too powerful? With Wal-Mart using materials from other countries while its growing and expanding everyday it knocks out smaller businesses everywhere, which in turn hurts the economy and is literally a growing Monopoly in America, which we cannot…show more content…
America began on small businesses and America has to continue to have small businesses to have a good economy. Wal-Mart endangers businesses all over the country because small businesses cannot compete with the superpower on account of Wal-Mart getting goods from places like China. Most people live within thirty minutes of a Wal-Mart and with their lower prices people will continue to shop there without realizing what they are doing to their own economy. Most people don’t realize that saving a few dollars by shopping at Wal-Mart is crippling all the local businesses around their area. Wal-Mart does not care about the American economy because they are thriving the way the economy is now, so American citizens have to stand up for their communities. According to the book, How Walmart is destroying America and what you can do about it, when you are a huge rich company and all you want to do is get huger and richer, it turns out a lot of smaller, poorer people have to get hurt in the process. Wal-Mart with all its size and power, could hurt people or help them in a lot of situations. Which do you think it normally chooses to do (Bill Quinn 102)? The answer for so many years has obviously been hurt people. Most American families are struggling everyday while the big shots at Wal-Mart turn a blind eye and get wealthier by the minute. For every new Wal-Mart that arrives close to your area,…show more content…
Wal-Mart’s main defense is all the jobs it creates for American citizens. While Wal-Mart does create many jobs it destroys more than it creates. According to the book, How corporation’s hurt us all, By crushing local businesses, this giant eliminates three decent jobs for every two low-paid Wal-Mart jobs it creates (Dan Butts 167). So basically every time a Wal-Mart comes to a small town, a lot of the employees have to join the superstore and work for less or lose their job all together. Another reason people like to defend Wal-Mart is because they have better prices than most everyone else which is easier on peoples wallets. Wal-Mart has become such a household name that most people will shop there without checking out other business when they realistically could be spending a little extra pocket change and helping their economy and help control this giant corporation. The savings people get are on account of cheap foreign goods that aren’t as good as American goods and people don’t realize it because they just remember the good deals. In my opinion there aren’t any other reasons to defend
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