Why Was Hamlet a Procrastinator

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To kill or not to kill; that is the question. While Hamlet is devastated to learn the true nature of his father’s death and vows to avenge him, he is unable to take action. Hamlet is a victim of self doubt and procrastination and so cannot act upon his instructions. Only when he recognizes his weakness, can he avenge his father. Ironically in the process he also succumbs to death by poison. In the beginning of the play, Hamlet discovered that his father, the late king Hamlet, was not actually killed the way everyone believed he was killed. The kingdom thought he was bitten by a venomous snake while taking a nap in the garden. When the apparition of Hamlet’s dearly departed father appeared, he told him the truth about his death.-- While he was taking a nap in the garden, his brother, Claudius, poured a vial of henbane poison in his ear, killing him within a matter of seconds. When Hamlet realized what had been done to his father, he went into a rage, and swore that he would get immediate revenge on Claudius. The apparition of Hamlet’s father told him to “Revenge his foul and most unnatural murder.”, to which Hamlet agreed to take immediate action. “Haste me to know’t, that I, with wings as swift as meditation or the thoughts of love, may sweep to my revenge.”, said Hamlet, but throughout the course of the play, it is visible that Hamlet clearly did not stick to his words. Hamlet took his time plotting, sorting, and executing his schemes for revenge. He wanted to have everything sorted out, and be prepared for any consequences. Hamlet had plenty of reasons to be angry with Claudius: he killed his father, seduced his mother into marriage, and stole the crown. Claudius was a terrible king to the people of Denmark: he ruled with words and not action; he was selfish: he was not willing to give up the crown for forgiveness from God; and he was very cruel to

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