Willowbrook School Case Study

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Willowbrook School Willowbrook School IT460 Midterm Assignment Unit5 IT460 Midterm Assignment Unit5 2014 2014 Mission statement: Willowbrook School, a Midwestern non-profit organization, for the past 20 years has been providing the best private education available for our young minds to embark in an educational journey that begins here and will carry on with them for years to come. Business Processes: Kathy Gilliard- Principal-ensures that the school meets all federal and state requirements Kathy Gilliard- Principal-Handles academic and curricular issues Kathy Gilliard-Principal- Payroll/substitutes for teachers Susan Brown-vice principal-responsible for aftercare program which also includes tuition and fees Susan Brown-vice principal-handles drop in care/scheduling…show more content…
Must have a web access for parents to monitor any comments or announcements from staff, billing information, registration/tuition payments due or made j. Upgraded security features Context level Diagram In this diagram it shows how the Willowbrook information system is used a central interface point that connects the parents, accounting system, finance committee and the academic and aftercare programs together. From the Willowbrook information system the parents would receive a bill or receipt on payments due or made. The parents would sent the student data for registration or the payment for any due. The information system would then send the information to the accounting system which would acknowledge the receipt of payment and generate the data for payment made. The information system would then allow the registration to continue via the academic and aftercare programs block and submit the available times for care that the parent dropped in the child for billing. As all this is going on the Willowbrook information system gathers all the information and submits it to the finance committee as reports for archive/storage for future reference. Level 0
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