Willy Loman Poetry

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Comer 1 Paige Comer Composition and Rhetoric Play Paper The Poet and the Football Star It can be seen on television frequently, the act of a parent living vicariously through their children. It can be seen in real life at a child’s baseball or soccer game, as a parent argues with the referee that their son or daughter was not out of bounds or that the swing was not a strike. It can be seen, perhaps with even more intensity, in a high school setting where the star quarterback is under so much pressure for perfection from his father, that when the team doesn’t win the homecoming game he is guilty of doing so on purpose to stop the violence of tension, arguing and misery at home. Pressure to be perfect often creates rebellion in a child because…show more content…
In the now, his relationship with his father is strained and uncomfortable but it wasn’t always this way. One fateful night destroys the respect he had for Willy and changes his passion from pleasing his father, to avoiding him and the search for truth within himself, a search for his place in the world, begins. He has been convinced by his father that he is a football star, a salesman and someone very special but he struggles, in his adulthood, to explain to his father that he is just human, just normal and that the stories and dreams he has been fed throughout his life are not his stories, not his dreams. And in the play, Willy Loman does not want to believe that he has done anything wrong to cause his son to turn so violently against the “plan” they made for his future. He simply can not see how the blame falls on him for his sons monumental…show more content…
He tries to explain to his father that he has blown him so full of hot air that he hasn’t been able to take orders from any employer, that all of his jobs have failed because he believed what his father told him when he said he deserved greatness. Biff finally realizes, on his own, that greatness is earned, not handed out like soup at a homeless shelter. Fortunately for Tom Wingfield, he already knew that lesson. He ran away to find his greatness and adventure, his destiny. He returns to the old apartment and it is empty, used only now by the spiders who have built themselves luxurious condos in the arches and windowsills. His words are remorseful and vague, never allowing the reader to fully understand what has become of his sister and his mother but he apologizes to the empty place, to his sister Laura

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