With Detailed Reference to the Text, Give at Least One Example of Socrates’ Reasoning Against Crito’s Proposal of Help, and Explain Socrates’ Argument.

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The ancient text Crito by Plato is a staged dialogue between Socrates and Crito in which is attempting Crito offers numerous arguments to encourage Socrates escape imprisonment. Crito emphasizes that if Socrates does not escape, no one would believe that he had cooperatively faced execution. That the people of Athens would fault Crito for not helping Socrates, assuming that he values his money more than the life of his close friend. Crito argues that there are other states in which Socrates has allies that will keep him safe and continues to emphasis that he should not easily give in to his enemies. However, Socrates argues against Crito’s proposal to help using few arguments. Socrates firstly highlights that the opinion of the many should not be counted only the experts, that one must never do any injustice and emphasizing on the importance of following the law. One of the arguments Socrates presents, through the use of metaphor and personification he compares the state and kinship. Socrates highlights the bonds that are required in a family such as loyalty, duty, obligation and obedience is required to the state. Socrates is highlighting that a social contract is in placed which citizens are required loyalty to the law. Socrates personifies the state as a parental figure to the people who are the children. “You were brought into the world and nurtured and educated by us, can you deny in the first place that you are our child and servant, as your ancestors were before you?” Socrates is personifying the law and just like our parents, the state nurture us and educate us therefore we must be biddable to them even if we do not agree with their decisions. Through personification, Socrates reinforces that they are the offspring’s of the law and that they are required to do and obey to whatever the law states . To defy the sentence the law has passed down and to escape

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