World Religion Essay Outline

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~World Religions~ ~The theme of exile reappears continually in the Hebrew Bible, and in later ~Jewish history the people are rendered homeless again ad again ~The biblical narratives emphasize that the people risk God's displeasure every time they stray from God's commands ~They are repeatedly exiled from their spiritual home and continually seek to return to it. ~Israel=Jacob/Isaac ~Canaan Palestine=Ishmael *Covenant* ~A unique belief introduced into Jewish theology was the special covenantal relationship between the Jewish people and God. ~In this contract both are accountable. ~On the people's side, obedience to God is expected. ~On the divine side, God grants special favors and is also bound by his own ethical agreements…show more content…
~The ultimate thrust for Judaism was the rejection of the gods of the surrounding people. ~the Israelites came to see themselves as having been chosen by a single divine patron. *Baal *Dagon *Astheroth *Goyim=All people of Gentile Nation *Yah Weh= Whole community *Hasidic *Israel's Birth in Struggle ~According to the genealogies set forth in the Pentateuch, the people who became known as Israelites were the offspring of Israel (first called Jacob), grandson of Abraham. Jacob received the name after wrestling all night with a being who turned out to be an angle of God. ~"Israel" means "the one who struggled with God." ~This story I which a human being struggles and finally is reborn at a higher level of spirituality has been taken as a metaphor for the spiritual evolution of the people of Israel. ~As a result of the struggle, Israel the patriarch receives not only a new name but also the promise that many nations will be born from him. ~The nation Israel -the smallest of people - is perceived as the spiritual center for the world to grow toward God. ~This is it's destiny thought Jews do not feel that it has yet been

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