World War II: The War Of Guilt Clause

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World War II was a horrific event that is and will be remembered as one of the most terrifying and morbid events in human history. There were estimates of 60 to 80 million that died, but the numbers are Jurassic nonetheless. Many Americans simply thought that the problems in Europe would stay in Europe and would not cross the seas to them and their way of life, but there was a new enemy that would bring war to our shores. After World War I, The Treaty of Versailles, a peace settlement, was signed at the vast Versailles Palace near Paris between Germany and its allies. The treaty forced Germany to grant territories to Belgium, Czechoslovakia, and Poland. The Germans did not agree with the treaty fully and even felt a little humiliated, especially at Article 231, commonly known as the “War of Guilt Clause, which…show more content…
could be drawn into another war. [] The Lend-Lease Act enabled the United States Federal Government to provide allied nations with war material while the U.S. remained a neutral country. With this act, the United States was able to make money, assist its allies, and remain out of harm’s way of getting involved with the war as a whole. [9781133438212, HIST, Version 2, Kevin M. Schultz-Cengage Learning] The U.S. really did not want to go into another war, but with countries in Europe being taken over by Germany’s dictator Hitler and other countries rallying together, the U.S. began to fear that war would soon be prominent and unavoidable. Under the Neutrality Act of 1937, the U.S. was forbidden from supplying weapons to any country involved in the war. “Cash and carry” is a term applied to an amendment of the Neutrality Act of 1939 that enabled countries to purchase weapons and materials from the U.S. as long as they were paid in cash. And were transported in the purchasers own
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