04/01/07 Analysis of Poem for Gcse English Literature Edexcel ‘Relationships

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* 1. { 04/01/07 Analysis of poem for GCSE English Literature Edexcel ‘Relationships’ * 2. The telephone shatters the night’s dark glass. I’m suddenly awake in the new year air The use of the onomatopoeia ‘shatters’ connotes violence and a sense of intrusion, which implies, to the reader, that the telephone is bringing bad news. The personification of ‘the night’s dark glass’ creates an image of shock which has a lasting impact on the reader .This is supposedly transferred from the author, thus implying that their life has been left in pieces by the news the telephone brings. The unconventional image of ‘dark’ glass (glass is generally seen as a light, transparent material) could be the author foreshadowing the gloomy event the poem will continue to describe or otherwise symbolise the author’s his depression. One could imagine, through the personification of the telephone and night, the glass enclosing on the author whilst the telephone bringing him back to reality. This symbolises the author’s emotions once he heard the news and the on going difficulty he has controlling them. The idea of ‘new year’ implies rebirth and regeneration which is juxtaposed by the author’s dread of what he will hear. Perhaps, the author is suggesting that ‘new year’ can be a time when things change not only for better, but for worst. * 3. And in the moment it takes a life to pass From waking to sleeping I feel you there. The selection of the verb ‘feel’ highlights the sense of loss; in this context the idea of feeling is essentially intangible and serves to emphasis the loneliness and perhaps, haunting effect, felt by the author. The verb ‘sleeping’ makes the idea of death seem natural, thus that the death was too due to natural causes and perhaps expected. The use of enjambment emphasises the idea of time passing. But it also provides a sense of haunting as the author feels
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