A Cultural Revolution: The Stonewall Riots

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Stonewall: A Revolution Serving as the battleground for a cultural revolution, the young generation of America in the 60’s and 70’s found themselves challenging the ideas of the conservative government they lived under. What can best be described as a time of discovery and questioning, advances in the civil rights movement as well as the conflicts in Vietnam seemed to divide the nation. Within these events, America saw the rise of another revolution brewing, one that had started long before but continued to get pushed aside: that of equal rights for homosexuals. The Stonewall Riots are often cited as the beginning of the equality movement, however history tells a somewhat different story; a story in which the Stonewall riots are more of a plot twist as opposed to being an opening scene. However, these riots drastically changed the fundamental ideas and goals of the gay rights movement. When one looks closely at the Stonewall incidents as well as the history surrounding it, it is clear to see that the riots were a culmination of the events and attitudes that had manifested themselves in society prior to Stonewall. The aftermath of World War II still left a bitter…show more content…
In 1994, hundreds of thousands of people converged in New York City to celebrate Stonewall’s 25th anniversary; five years later, the United States government would proclaim the Stonewall Inn as a national historic site before becoming a historical landmark (a designation held only by a small percentage of historical sites) in 2000.[14] As the years have passed, politics in the United States have changed and we now find ourselves faced with new battles. While there have been great advances in the struggle for gay rights, there is still much to be done before the GLBT community finds full
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