A Kind And Just Parent Summary

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Ayers,W.(1997) “A Kind and Just Parent”Beacon Press When I was given the name of this book to read I had no idea of exactly what the subject was. I can now say that I was very intrigued when I found out just what “ A Kind and Just Parent “ was really about. William Ayers book really gave me an informative view of children (I really hate the term kids) caught up in the juvenile justice system that we do not get from reading newspaper articles or watching television. William “Billy” Ayers born December 26,1944, is an American elementary education theorist and a former leader in the movement that opposed U.S . involvement in Vietnam War. He is known for his 1960's activism as well as his current work in education…show more content…
When a system is overwhelmed the most likely choice is too just warehouse them . Ayers book “A Kind and Just Parent” allows us to see what actually happens to children in Chicago's Juvenile system. The children tell their stories, analyze their situations and think about their futures. This is a story of a justice system gone awry , but with good intentions. Teachers that try to offer regularity, challenge and choice. Willie Baldwin , Mr. B , has been there since the school opened in 1973. In those years he has found his own rhythm and routine that work for him and his students. He is solid genuine and predictable . The youths feel that he will make you work but he is fair. That he listens to them carefully and want them to learn. In a short exercise Mr. B. describes himself as patient, observant, sincere, love fishing, hate meetings, fear shortsightedness, and hope for success for all of his students. When the students were asked to do the same, wanted to not be locked up and to…show more content…
He was later convicted of killing a thirteen year old boy. Then there is Freddie whose life consisted of violence like shooting a girl with a BB gun hitting a rival gang member in the head with a hammer and selling crack. The Juvenile Court judge said that his mother could not control him and he was placed in the Audy House. The list goes on and on so that after a while the faces become blurred for the people working at the Audy House. While dealing with Chicago's Juvenile Court system, Ayers always has to compare the contrast to his own children lives .His son who had just turned sixteen,has opened birthday cards and presents,basketball, video games,gift certificates,clothes and a trip to get his drivers license. He also pulled on Mr. B's temperament in diffusing a situation going on in his teenage son's life. By writing this book William Ayers hope to open the eyes of the world to what is really going on in the juvenile system today. Many people ask why are so many children becoming delinquents, and how does so many do not. Ayers offers a voice of hope for youths in the juvenile system. And ask

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