A Model of Christian Charity

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A MODEL OF CHRISTIAN CHARITY Context: 1. John Winthrop wrote “A Model of a Christian Charity” in 1630 when he was on board Arbella, a ship that was going from England to the New World. 2. John Winthrop was born in 1588 and died in 1649. He was an Englishman who led a group of English Puritans to the New World in 1630. And in 1629 he had been elected governor of the Massachusetts Bay colony. He helped establish Massachusetts Bay Colony’s religious and governmental system built on the British model, but largely free from British control. In “A Model of a Christian Charity” we see John Winthrop as a selfless individual, who engaged in a life that was founded on moral principles and dedicated to common welfare. 3. John Winthrop's "A Model of a Christian Charity" is broken down into two sections, which he calls his two reasons. 4. Inside of these two reasons John Winthrop does a good job of using dramatic language and imagery. 5. As well inside these two reasons John Winthrop asks questions and answers them to prove a valid point. 6. John Winthrop's "A Model of a Christian Charity" describes John Winthrop’s ideas and plans that will keep the Puritan Faith strong and as well the society strong that will help them overcome obstacles that they will face in the new world. Key points: 1. John Winthrop’s “A Model of a Christian Charity” is a model on Christianity and generosity of Christianity, and it explains the obligation of the Christians to be charitable. 2. He points out the Americans basis is to be charitable 3. As well he explains the strength of the bond within this community and that this bond is the bond of passion and love. And that neiborly love is the path to salvation. And that society should unite in these ways. 4. He continues to say that you should do whatever means to improve your ability to serve the

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