A Rhetorical Analysis Of Ariel Levy's Trial By Twitter

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In spite of the international awareness about this problem and the declared willingness of the states to fight gender-violence, young girls and women continue to serve as the target of violence. Authors Kim Gandy, Leonard Pitts, and Erica Goode go beyond the surface of the problems and explore the shocking reality behind violence against women, utilizing statics and real life accounts to submerge the reader into the uncomfortable reality of the society women live in today. Overall, the most effective articles of the whole unit utilize pathos and logos, presenting daunting statics and facts as well as real examples to create an effective and convincing argument for the reader. Some arguments rely solely on the appeal to the emotion, they and tend to use very selective sources of examples that society considers unacceptable, to raise anger and frustration to gain the support of the reader. Applying facts and statistics, objective articles used logos to…show more content…
Levy effectively uses logos by presenting the reader with all the facts and details of the event, however these horrific and unbelievable facts appeal to the readers emotions as well. She gives an overview of the whole incident while citing most of the information displayed, giving her paper credibility and showing the knowledge she possesses on Stuebenville. The power in the paper lies within the lack of discretion, Levy leaves none of the horrific details out of the article and bravely includes “she’s deader than O.J’s girl”(Levy). Levy purposely includes these unacceptable statments, to not only inform the reader of what kind of people were involved, but to elicit anger and frustration, appealing to the readers’ emotions. Levy’s use of pathos and logos, not only informs the readers of the incidents in Stuebenville, but to also encourage society to never let something of this magnitude happen

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