A Rose For Emily Response Paper

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G. Simmons English 1102 Summer 2011 L. James Reading Response 3 July 15, 2011 A Rose For Emily The short story ‘A Rose for Emily’ was one of the best and most widely read stories in the 20th century and still is relevant in the current world of literature. The author of the story was Nathaniel Hawthorne, an American; he wrote it in the 1930s deriving its setting from one of the largest states in the United States, Mississippi. The story has several occurrences where the characters evoke strong reactions. However, in this case the occurrence where Emily’s body is found dead on her bed together with Homer’s body is considered the most evocative. Homer’s body was in a worse state than that of Emily suggesting that he died earlier than she did. It had decayed and probably was the source of the smell that the people complained about, the same smell, which had been reduced by spraying some sprinkle by the town’s mayor and judge, Colonel Sartoris. The other discovery is that she had killed Homer…show more content…
The story made me experience an emotionally drastic change of mood; I had a melancholic spirit. I felt pity for Homer, who did not have any intention to marry Emily until he met his death in her bedroom. I also felt the same for Emily whose father; Mr. Grierson had rejected many suitors who had come to seek a hand in marriage to her. The girl later lacks someone to marry after her father’s demise until she becomes infatuated with Homer who was not interested in marriage. “A Rose For Emily” has had a profound impact on me. Though the story made me sad, it also served in uplifting my intellectual reasoning and understanding of the current state surrounding us. The situation in the world today is quite discouraging especially to those who do not make rational decisions early enough in their lives. We, therefore, need to reason first before taking any
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