A Summary Of Uncle Tom's Cabin

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In Uncle Tom’s Cabin slavery was addressed by a few things such as slave being molested, slaves being beaten, and slaves being treated as property, but not all things about slavery in Uncle Tom’s Cabin were bad. For example Tom’s holder let him free once he died. The topic of molestation comes up a few times in Uncle Tom’s cabin. For example Simon La Green bought a young slave girl, with the intentions of molesting her. Luckily she escaped before he could molest her; but other Negro women in this story weren’t as lucky. For example there was a Negro woman who was bought for labor, but was molested by another Negro man. Slaves were beaten on a regular basis in Uncle Tom’s Cabin. For example near the end of the Movie, Uncle Tom was beaten to near death. At first it seemed he might live to see another day. Sadly, he died the next day from his wounds. Another thing that happened to slaves, in Uncle Tom’s Cabin was they were treated as property, instead of human beings. For example there was an auction held in which the merchandise were slaves! In the auction scene slave families were ripped apart from each other. To be sold to different slave holders; Many slave family’s never saw each other again once they were separated. In conclusion I believe that the movie Uncle Tom’s Cabin portrayed most slave holders as ruthless killers, but it also portrayed some slave holders as decent
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